Online Payment

**No Refunds Once Program Starts**
**Important Payment Information
Payment above is flexible, convenient and easy because it allows parents in meeting the cost of their child's participation in any of our basketball programs. We allow you to choose how much and when you pay as long as the balance is paid in full by start of selected program. For online transactions, a full refund minus a $25 administrative fee will only be issued to those who withdraw less than 7 days before start of the program.
You also have the option of paying any remaining camp balance(s) before start of selected program by mailing check(s) to Elite Hoop Group, LLC at 30 Woodland St. Apt. 7F in Hartford, CT 06105. Please feel free to call us at 860-385-BALL (2255) or email us at info@elitehoopgroup.com. Thanks for choosing Elite Hoop Group and we look forward to providing your child with a memorable basketball camp experience.

Pay Any Amount At Your Convenience**!!!